Google Talk

Google Talk (
zadas zaciatok vety a on z google dovyhladava dalsie slova....

To boldly go
To boldly go Where No man has Gone before By Tony Horwitz, a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

Finish this sentence
Finish this sentence I am going to be Shocked by the death of Environmentalism Global Warming politics in a Post-World War II

Finish this sentence:
Finish this sentence: I am going to be a good Graduate Student.
(poznamka: namiesto vyhladavania podobnych blbosti by som sa mal ucit na statnice, ocividne to vie aj google :-)

The computer must never be used to
The computer must never be used to obtain a list of all the cases that have been reported by the media in the United States.

I am girl
Vyplulo to dost dlhy kontext, odkial som vypichol tuto suvislu vetu:
Did you ever Wonder why it is so hard To Say Goodbye to The Income Tax?

Resistance is futile
Resistance is futile says Don Box, architect, Microsoft Corporation, USA.

You will be assimilated.
You will be assimilated in the same way as the first with the Most men in the world who are interested in the churches of Christ in the Eucharist.

A good environmentalist is one who wants to Be A Millionaire and The Weakest Link in the chain.

A cure to prostate cancer
A cure to prostate cancer is the most common cause of death in the United States.

Best computer game is
Best computer game is a computer game where you must save the file as a web page, in Dreamweaver Visual Quickproject Guide

Best singer in the world is
Best singer in the world is Carmen Sandiego for Windows, Mac.

Best singer in the world
Best singer in the world and the world of Tomorrow is a collaborative effort among the Office of the Federal Register and the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida and other states and international organizations in the Making of the Atomic Bomb.

Dzurinda is
Dzurinda is a New kind of BLUE.

Dzurinda je
Dzurinda je v kernelu?

Mikulas Dzurinda is

Mikulas Dzurinda is a good Thing, By Kimberla Lawson Roby

Ako sa vola pocitac?
My name is
My name is EARL

Pocitac sa asi vola 180 :-)
My name is a
My name is a number that is the sum of the angles of a triangle

Pocitac asi nie je blog, nie su to zrejme synonyma :-)
I am
I am not a blog

Skuor vyzera, ze je to taky maly presibany vtacik.
I am a
I am a Bird

Buducim papezom bude Talian:
Next pope will be
Next pope will be an Italian.

Google ma zmysel pre surrealizmus - zjavne:
Smoke kills
Smoke kills clouds, said the gramophone.

Skratka som najlepsi. Vo vsetkom. Fakt vo vsetkom. Dokonca aj v tom, co ty robis a chces robit :-)
I am the best
I am the best at what you do and What you want to do

Tak kto som?
I am a man who
I am a man who has no sense of humor

Robert Fico je
Robert Fico je dnes na trhu k dispozícii v angličtine.

Asi si pocul ked sulaj a s nim fico tvrdili, ze ak sa dostanu k moci, tak budu "hedzovat" ceny ropy tak, aby mali slovaci lacnejsi benzin a naftu. Apparently sa to dostalo aj do usi Googlu:
Slovak prime minister will be
Slovak prime minister will be able to control the world’s oil and gas industry

Este nieco o nasom buducom premierovi. Sice Google nevie, kto to bude, zarucene sa ale zapise do historie velkymi pismenami:
Slovak prime minister will
Slovak prime minister will contribute to the expansion of the Universe.

Co si mysli Google o Da Vinciho kode? Je to fikcia? Je to skutocnost? Google, ako vzdy, odpovedal diplomaticky (teda neurcito a slusne zaroven):
The Da Vinci Code is
The Da Vinci Code is a work of art!

No myslim, ze niekedy aj pocitacu fakt vazne sibe a sam nevie, co pred nami skryva....
My top secret is
My top secret is that clear and concise information about the functions of the Executive Committee shall be held at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of the Atmosphere and the oceans

Nevol SMK, je to nebezpecne, vymyli ti mozog!!!! (len Google to odhalil :-)
Slovak Republic is located
Slovak Republic is located in the city center of Budapest

Hm, takze pre toto sa este nenasiel liek na AIDS:
Cure to AIDS is
Cure to AIDS is criminal AND must be dealt with, on the basis of the authority of the United States.

Chernobyl is safe
Chernobyl is safe enough to Wake up and smell the Coffee. It’s in the Kitchen.

I had a vision:
I had a vision: of the future of the Web in which information is presented to the outstanding senior in the College of Engineering. at the University of Minnesota

Marketing is actually
Marketing is actually the most common mistakes made by the Newly Self-employed people

Avian flu is not dangerous because
Avian flu is not dangerous because it is a joy to behold.

I am so happy to
I am so happy to be back home again, in Indiana

I am so happy
I am so happy that i can’t figure out how to do it

The computer is
The computer is a machine for the GNOME Desktop environment.

Enter your words
Enter your words you can click the link to

Google Chat Bot is a
Google Chat Bot is a response system analysis chatbot

Software piracy is
Software piracy is the unauthorized practice of Law in the Public Interest.

Robert fico is
Robert fico is the most famous threelegged

Vladimir Meciar
Vladimir Meciar is trying to silence him and intimidate his employer, the massachusetts bay transportation authority

Robert Fico
Robert Fico has strongly opposed unilateral declaration of independence udi of rhodesia from the united kingdom paul bonhomme

Robert fico is a
Robert fico is a partisan of humanity without being easily identified with a particular grape variety cabernet

Bill Gates is
Bill Gates is a genius and a great teacher

Janosik was a
janosik was a robber

janosik was
janosik was only captured because he was so necessary to the colonists survival

Janosik is
janosik is a legendary hero

Slovak national hero is
slovak national hero is janosik he is somewhat like kai with the maturity thing instead of age

Slovak national hero was
slovak national hero was born in korea she came to america as a fulbrighter

Slovak national hero is a
slovak national hero is a football player suspended for betting email

George Bush loves
george bush loves tony blair

George Bush likes
george bush likes to invite his friends who i know to give thoughtful and professional answers

George W Bush likes
george w bush likes german asparagus

George W Bush hates
george w bush hates america

George Bush hates
george bush hates white people

George Bush adores
george bush adores good citizens like you

George W Bush adores
george w bush adores natan sharansky

George Bush enjoys
george bush enjoys a good fart (when you can cook something dull and be ready to party all night long)

George W Bush enjoys
george w bush enjoys the moment with performers

George W Bush
george w bush in a dress by francesca lia, block author of the popular podcasting for dummies book. this book is a movie for people who like laundry

Better the world by
Better the world by working together and talking to each other

Ideal match for me is
Ideal match for me is someone who is always there for me when I am dead; my dearest.

Bill Gates is rich because
Bill Gates is rich because he is a great friend, and a great musician. I’ve seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps. They have builded Him an altar in the home, or office by hanging up this charming ceramic decorative plate hook on back for hanging on a wall or a fence.

I am interested in
I am interested in the Battalions that served in the Civil War, the Search for Economic security and the Origins of life from the Birth of the Universe from the Big Bang to the present day.

I am lazy
I am lazy because I am not a Libertarian

End of the world
End of the world as we Know it may be a good idea

Now is the time for
Now is the time for all good men to come to the UK to study for a test

Hm, tak uz vieme detaily smrti papeza :-)
John Paul the Second
John Paul the Second was shot down by a missile fired from a Predator drone aircraft in Pakistani tribal lands

Anime manga is
Anime manga is a growing concern in the United States of America

Takže najlepšia hudobná skupina je takýto umelo poskladaný komerčný odpad?
Best music group ever is
Best music group ever is New Kids on the block

To je už lepšie, len nechápem ako môžu ísť rytmické jazzové figúry (riffs) dokopy s prívlastkami vhodnými pre metalovú hudbu (heavy/thrash)
Best band ever is
Best band ever is In Flames, their heavy/thrash riffs double guitar system or harmonised guitar

Čo zistil Bush? Poznámka: NSA je National Security Agency
Bush found out
Bush found out that the NSA is not listening to the People’s Republic of China on the protection of the rights of woman and the female Citizen.

1. Nasa “objavila Ameriku”. 2. Nasa objavila nieco, comu ani ja nerozumiem (esteze "plane" ma viacere ruozne vyznamy)
NASA discovered that
NASA discovered that the Earth is a sphere and a plane is a plane figure bounded by three straight lines which are parallel to the same resource.

Je to jasne !!! Ziadna samovrazda !!!
Hitler died of
Hitler died of a heart attack.

Tak ze by sme tu predsa len mali nieco ako Matrix?
Now the question is
Now the question is how do you know if you are in a maze of twisty little passages all alike.

gibberish statements is a lack of selfconfidence in social relations in industry at victoria university college

Nevyhoda je ze niekedy sa program brutalne zacykli a stale vyhladava to iste, kedze vyhladava najpopularnejsi vyraz.